The Treatment of Pain™
Onsen Muscle Therapy™
COTT™ (The Certified Onsen Techniques Therapist™ Program)
Thank you for your interest in the COTT™ Program,
We are always looking for those who can join us in helping
others take advantage of courses in The Treatment of Pain™
known as the Onsen Techniques®, Onsen Therapy™,
Onsen Muscle Therapy™ or just plain Onsen® developed by
Rich Phaigh, LMT, DMT, COTT, COTTI, COTTE, COTTIE, in order to
alleviate pain and for injury prevention.
1. None to start and all body workers are invited.
2. Athletic Trainers and Personal Trainers may attend classes .
3. Physio Therapists and Chiropractors may attend classes but please realize we cover some their basic knowledge.
You need to be patient and complete all 4 volumes to realize the full potential of the protocol.
4. Please be advised that to write the test to certify as a COTT™ you must supply the Certified Onsen Techniques Therapist Instructor™ with a basic massage therapy certificate recognized in your area or a copy of your transcripts/certification documents that support your field with anatomy and physiology.
5. You may attend any Onsen® class prior to your Massage Therapy School.
• Rich Phaigh, LMT, DMT author of The Treatment of Pain, often let those in with the love of helping others into the class prior to their taking their massage courses as they became one of the best Onsen® Therapists.
You can challenge the COTT™ Exam:
1. If you have been to some of the early classes taught in the mid-west USA or Australia in the early 1980-1990’s and want to challenge the COTT™ exam without going to more classes
(click here) now.
2. If you previously bought the 4 part video series in old VHS format with the old Textbook and have been studying and practicing Onsen for some time, and or may want to trade in your old set for a new Onsen® DVD set (click here) now.
3. If you had attended some post-graduate classes in Muscle Energy Technique and want to buy the 4 part Treatment of Pain DVD, Textbook and workbook series to study ONSEN® and then challenge the exam – ( click here).
4. After taking all 4 volumes with an instructor, please contact them to arrange an appointment to write.
5. Rewrites are at no extra charge.
COTT™ - Certified Onsen Techniques Therapist™
COTTI™ - Certified Onsen Techniques Therapist Instructor™
COTTE™ - Certified Onsen Techniques Therapist Examiner™
COTTIE™ - Certified Onsen Techniques Therapist Instructor Examiner™
Onsen International® is the only authorized party who may copy
or distribute any of the VHS, DVD, TEXTBOOKS, WORKBOOKS
or Information with respect to the registered treatment Protocol
called The Treatment of Pain™, known as Onsen Techniques®,
Onsen Therapy™, Onsen Muscle Therapy™ or just plain Onsen®.
Rich Phaigh, LMT, DMT, COTT, COTTI, COTTE, COTTIE and Excel
Sports Science assigned the Certification Program for the Onsen
Techniques® for COTT™, COTTI™, COTTE™ & COTTIE™ and
the Onsen® Material to Onsen International® in 2001.